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My Journey with Serve Legal - Alasdair Deering
6 July, 2021

My Journey with Serve Legal - Alasdair Deering

My role as an auditor was a fantastic experience. I went to University in Edinburgh and without Serve Legal I would not have seen anywhere near as much of that beautiful city as I did. I now know the centre of Edinburgh like the back of my hand (and have an extensive knowledge of where to find the cheapest pints). I enjoyed this role so much that I wanted to get more closely involved with the company, and so when the opportunity arose to join the Operations team as a Media Compliance Assistant Co-ordinator (MCAC), I jumped at it.

I was just beginning my 3rd year of University when I started as an MCAC. This is of course crunch time for students, and meant that my availability for work was sporadic at times and dependent on my coursework deadlines & exams schedule. Serve Legal were not only understanding of this, they actively ensured that I wasn’t taking on too much or putting my degree in jeopardy. Going into my 4th year of University, I had experience in managing people, meeting corporate deadlines and working in a professional environment from my role as an MCAC. With this behind me, I was able to secure a graduate job at a major company in central London.

Nine months into my graduate scheme, I knew that the job wasn’t for me. After a lot of reflection, I decided that I wanted a more client facing role - and as it so happened, Serve Legal were recruiting for a Client and Sales Executive. Having already gained a good insight about the company, their values and their culture, I had absolutely no hesitation in applying. The colleagues I had worked with at each step in my Serve Legal journey had made me feel included within the team, so I felt confident that I was joining a company that would support my development.

Just a few weeks into my 3rd role within the Serve Legal, I am happy in my job, I’m managing a number of clients and I aim to generate growth for the company in the coming years; and it all came from a friend of a friend telling me about an amazing student job that I thought was too good to be true.

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Being a compliance auditor is a part-time, flexible role, which is ideal to fit in and around your other work or studies. There is no obligation to complete work every week, and talented auditors can advance to management positions within the organisation.

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