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Auditor Hall of Fame

Meet the auditors who have achieved our highest accolade!


Shane O'donovan

Shane has consistently for a number of years now been a star of our media compliance work over in Ireland, with back-to-back years of over 1,000 audits completed in 22-23 and 23-24. He is always willing to help out, travelling far and wide and completing work to a high standard. His dedication to Serve Legal is clearly apparent and Dave says he is very lucky to have somebody like Shane in his team.


Josh Wood

Josh is a joy to work with, his willingness to work and accuracy is second to none. He has completed *4,565* audits in the space of just 16 months, averaging 285 a month, and almost 10 a day, if he had worked every single day in that time! To put that into context, the most number of age-restricted (18-19 year old) audits an auditor has ever done is around 2,500, and he still has another 6 months of being 19! On top of this, he is such a friendly and genuine person, which makes dealing with him on a daily basis such a joy.


Geordan Allan

Geordan completed his first audit with us before turning 18. Since then, he has quickly become ‘the king of Scotland’ making the lives of any area manager that has worked with him a lot easier! His can-do attitude has made him the go-to whenever an issue arises – need 40 audits completed in a day? Need an audit completed in the most remote part of the country? Geordan has always been happy to help. Through a willingness to travel, an efficient working style and excellent reports he has been a pleasure to work with throughout his 1500 audits. Geordan is now spending the summer in America, and we wish him the best of luck. Upon his return, he will have turned 20, news which will delight the special projects team – there could be more trips to the Scottish islands in his future!


Gaurav Meher

Gaurav needs no introduction and is by far the best auditor to come out of 2022. He has travelled up and down the country, completing audits in almost all of the patches and less than a year from his application date, he has over 2000 audits completed. As well as always offering to help out, his reports are always spot on and he is a lovely, mature and polite young man to communicate with. He has had minimal errors for such a high amount of audits completed, can always be trusted to deliver reliably when given audits last minute and is keen to get involved with any SL activities - travelling to London to attend the auditor social there! He is super dependable and will always be willing to pick up audits wherever remotely possible and very quickly became a go-to for many AMs. I don't think we have a single internal team member who doesn't know his name!


John Joyce

John is the dictionary definition of Serve Legal legend! He joined Serve Legal in early 2017, and very quickly established himself as the go-to auditor for non age restricted work in Ireland. John has been managed by various different members of the Serve Legal team, who have all had very positive relationships with him, with multiple crediting him as a "saviour"! John has completed over 4000 pubTV audits for Serve Legal, covering the length and breadth of Ireland, always in a positive manner.


Corbyn Thompson

Corbyn joined Serve Legal in 2021, and having completed a handful of audits, was persuaded into buying a car to complete work. Corbyn then began auditing all around the South West, regularly taking trips from Cornwall to various other regions, including multiple ferries to the Isle of Wight. He completed 1500 audits in just under one year, the cheap car he purchased to begin with now upgraded to a newer model! Upon turning 20, Corbyn was offered a role in the internal team, joining initially as an AC, and after proving his value, going full-time as a media compliance area manager. Within this time, he still managed to rack up another 800 non-age-restricted audits! Corbyn is a model example of our strive to progress value and hopefully you hear more from him throughout the years.

Cat J

Catriona Jolley

Cat joined us as an auditor back in 2020. During her time as an auditor, she managed to complete over 1000s audits! During her audits, Cat started to make TikToks about Serve Legal and what a day looked like working for us as an auditor. By doing this, she transformed our social media presence overnight. I think alone she has brought in over 500+ new auditors to Serve Legal! She has become the face of our social media and transformed the companies social media presence and activity. She is a key person who deserves to be on our hall of fame!


Arnis Piekus

Arnis is a real one-off. The phrase "where there's a will, there's a way" fits him to a T, as he came up with his own way of making audits quicker and more accessible by buying an electric skateboard which he could take on London public transport (and out to the South East plenty of times too!) and maximise his time. Because of this, he was willing to travel anywhere you asked at short notice, even if it was a considerable detour at unkind hours! His communication was polite and he was trusted by several Area Managers to do a good job whenever required.


Andrew Peters

Andrew smashed out almost a 1000 audits when he was an auditor and still continues to do over 20’s work. He is doing on average an extra 65 audits per month for us whilst working full time as an Area Manager. On top of this, he drove his sister around her audits during busy periods last year to help more audits get done! He started as an auditor back in 2016, before joining as a Weeekend Approver, being promoted to Weekend Supervisor, joining as an Area Msanager and now manages the Weekend team he used to work within!


Dave Sharples

Having started in February 2015, Dave completed over 500 age-restricted audits being known for his good communication and reliability. This is an impressive amount alone, but what really stands out is the 1700+ audits that he did since turning 20! Within this time he joined as an Assistant Coordinator and rose up the ranks to Weekend Supervisor, before joining as a full-time Area Manager once he neared the end of his degree. He continues to do non-age-restricted auditing work now on top of his full-time responsibilities to help out colleagues, epitomising Serve Legal values, as demonstrated by having won Employee of the Quarter in both his internal roles.


Andrew Monument

Andrew joined us in August 2018 where he quickly established himself as the King of the East! He would travel anywhere when asked to do so and despite often spending longs days out and about, would always complete work enthusiastically. He managed to hit 2400 Serve Legal audits before his 20th birthday and has nearly completed a further 1,000 non-age-restricted audits since, whilst also referring new auditors to join. This tenacity and willingness to help led Andrew into the Assistant Coordinator team, where he displayed a keen eye for detail and supported his colleagues


Shaun Beardmore

Shaun was the winner of the Media Compliance Auditor of the Year in 2019 and has continued to be a delight to work with in the Staffordshire area, consistently clearing up any audits in this area. He's completed over 1500 non-age restricted audits for the company, including completing numerous trial audits for prospective clients, providing detailed feedback and insight on how to move forward on these. Shaun is a beacon for consistency and will always get planning forms and reports sent on time and to a high standard.


Vinh Banh

Everybody at Serve Legal knows about the legend that is Vinh Banh! He has now completed in excess of 5,600 audits at Serve Legal which is almost double 2nd place. He travels far and wide for non-age-restricted work - from the Pembrokeshire coast across into Essex in 2020 alone! He's a genuine, personable guy who is easy to get along with and always goes out of his way to help us complete audits to a high standard, knowing our procedures better than we do sometimes!


Gabz Lowe

Gabz was willing to travel anywhere in NI and the North of ROI. She then moved to Manchester for university, and after a few months she decided to travel home pick up the car and drive her car to university as she felt there were more audits available. She was soon picking up audits all over the North West of England, completing 1088 age restricted audits during her time as an auditor! Gabz soon took on a role as an Assistant Coordinator, during this time, she would approve reports, support with holiday cover and other admin tasks. One time she was completing a busy weekend shift while travelling to the Isle of Man for an audit due that day - which she somehow managed to pull off! Gabz then joined the team as a part time AM in Ireland while finishing off her Degree and did a fantastic job with the patch just as she did her audits. Once Gabz finished university, she left Serve Legal for a job in her true passion of football.


Elliot Brown

Elliot joined Serve Legal in August 2017 and it wasn’t long before he’d made it round pretty much every part of the North East & West, and even took on occasional trips into Scotland! What really set Elliot apart though was the hard work he was willing to put in, not just to his planning and reports, but by picking up extra audits on detours from his main route when deadlines were approaching. On one memorable occasion, despite being very busy, he offered to fit in some audits that urgently needed doing and even helped plan a route for the ones he couldn’t fit in, to make it easier for another auditor to complete them. He encapsulated Serve Legal values and we are very grateful for his hard work.


Alex Blackwell

Alex was a supreme auditor for us, completing 1376 age restricted audits and then going on to do a further 1630 non-age restricted ones! One memorable time he took on an audit with time-restrictions of 6am to midnight, but managed to get this the wrong way round and visited in the early hours – he redeemed himself by going again the following day even though it was an hour away! Alex would often travel last-minute to difficult areas to help out the Serve Legal team and was known for his politeness & friendliness with the Serve Legal team. This gave Alex a stellar reputation, which helped him rise up the Serve Legal ranks to become an Area Manager in July 2019.


Emily Darroch

Emily has been working with Serve Legal since 2014 and it became clear early on in her Serve Legal career that she was going to be a star! She was an excellent visitor and showed so much potential that she was offered an Assistant Coordinator position in 2015; a role in which she excelled and was promoted to Weekend Supervisor! She has since embarked on exciting travels since finishing university, but each time she’s come we have managed to find a place for her back in the team as she’s so willing, just like when she was an auditor, to get stuck into anything sent her way!


Dan Hazell

Dan joined in July 2016, and found he could carry out work all over Scotland at weekends when he would be travelling to see his beloved Inverness Caledonian Thistle playing away. He even got to Orkney, Stornoway and Shetland - he would drive, take a bus, hop on trains, go on a ferry and even the occasional flight for the work available! After demonstrating our key values as an auditor, Dan then joined as a part time Assistant Coordinator, and became a full time Trainee Area Manager before he turned 20! Whilst in London for training/meetings, he would spend some evenings still completing audits (giving away the alcohol as he wouldn’t be able to take it on the flight home!). He decided in September 2020 to go to university, and still does AC and non-age-restricted work.


Adam Baldwin

Adam joined Serve Legal to get involved in non-age-restricted media compliance work, and he made quite the contribution - travelling astounding distances to complete a total of 3422 audits! He was faultlessly reliable, willingly battling the elements to get through work that he’d agreed to do: on one memorable occasion, Adam completed 2 sets of audits in the Lake District during heavy snowfall! It was famously predicted that Adam would travel to the moon if we had audits there... watch this space!


Frankie Phillips

Frankie started in September 2015, and within 15 months completed 1500 age-restricted audits, despite being allergic to alcohol so not even getting to make use of the purchases! She said how much she enjoyed doing the work and the benefits it brought to her confidence, independence & organisation. She joined the Assistant Coordinator team and went on to join as a full-time Area Manager. She has since gone on to pursue a career in IT.


Alex Brown

Alex joined in April 2013 and quickly established himself within the Serve Legal community, clocking up over 500 age-restricted audits using bicycle power! Alex's tenacity and commitment saw him travel to many different towns and cities across the UK, having gone on to carry out more than 400 non-age-restricted audits too. He joined as an Assistant Coordinator and joined full time as an Area Manager after finishing at uni. He now works for the Civil Service.


Sheri Payne

Sheri's proximity to London coupled with her flexibility and youthful looks means that she has completed more tests than any other auditor in Serve Legal history. She registered with us the day after her 18th birthday and continued through to 20, during which time she completed over 3000 audits. A total legend. Sheri now works as a receptionist for a car rental company.


Joe Kelly

Joe began performing audits in the Liverpool area in 2012 and continued in East Anglia while studying for his degree in International Relations. Joe became known within the company for writing the most detailed site descriptions in Serve Legal history, but also because of his fantastic 'Can-Do' attitude. On graduating from UEA in 2015, Joe started working full-time for the company and eventually worked as a Media Compliance Manager. He has since pursued a career in accountancy.

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